can you love someone again after hating them

I would love to show I was wrong in the beginning for ignorance. I have a problem. He is always right but we have been talking since May 2 of this yr as I called and wished him a Happy Birthday but I also wanted to apologize for my own personal wrongdoing because I moved on to another guy/guys while we were seperated. The problem is I feel like a trauma victim having lived with him. But then in October, he broke up with me again. However I am a cheater. All I want is for her to miss me and for her to swallow her pride and at least talk to me. . We have been engaged for 2 years and only a few months ago decided to get married officially on December 10th. She may may trying a way to get my attention. I can guarantee you shes gonna call soon and her calls makes no meaning to me anymore. For example he was working out of town and he stated that he had no service in the casino/area he was in and didnt get in contact with me for few hours. Since im not coming back if he doesnt. Things were not good at home, and Ive always believed that he rescued me. So I know shes laughing at me like yea trick I got your husband,he chose me and dumped you. or what else we can do if we are not together living in separated stated . Please help. Naturally, being separated, he will probably long for you so anything he commits to now has to be re-discussed when he is with you. I wanted our family to work too. A few months after my brother passing I became pregnant and controlled myself from acting anyway negative. I would like to get some advice about my relationship with my partner of nearly 2 years. So if a person has been drinking and certainly using drugs, it means they, too, have been hurt in some way. I feel like ive moved on and have met an incredible woman and i really care for her deeply. He will be needy and insecure and maybe sweet. You have to live with all the bad habits and annoying behaviors that you might once upon a time have found endearing. I started to distrust my new partner and it snowballed. Somethings mixed up here. I made some mistakes of my own in the last couple years and sought happiness elsewhere with an affair with a close friend. But it isnt, especially at the wrong object. It is not at all about moving forward. Actually, your bf has to take a good look backward. Weve seen each other a few times and hes kissed me and huggedwithout me pulling him in. I have been lying and cheating the entirety of my relationship. Perhaps she isnt really confused but is afraid to admit to herself the real reason. of her cos im an artist I also keep having dreams But somehow I felt relieved that he did it so I didnt have to. My parents loved him and had no problem with us living in their house while we set up our lives together. You met in your senior year. He said he loved me with his whole heart but I hurt him and I had to rebuild his trust. But lets suppose Im right: You fantasize how life would be with this guy. To fall back in love, you have to start giving. "When boiled down to its essence, unforgiveness is hatred .". Your heart is broke, but because you crave a situation where your value isnt seen or understood. Is this a faze Im going through triggered by the anxiety? And the same question can be asked of his up and down feelings. We even went to breakfast together when the kids (mine and hismy daughter is in college) were in town. How do I let go of fear and love again Innocently? How can someone hes only known for 4mths make him fall in love with her and just forget everything that we had together. My boyfriend hurts himself when we fight and he cant hurt or hit me so that he hurts himself. I want to rebuild trust for her to fall in love with me again, I know it will take time. I felt so disrespected. Thats the one thing all the girls have in common. When we reconnected she was in a bad place, dating a mutual friend who was already in a serious relationship, and a polygamous arrangement with a married couple. She is at her mums at the moment and said we need space and will come back Tuesday to talk but the impression I get is that it is to sort out the practicalities of next steps not to work things through. I dont know What to do what worse is that we still are married & live together!!! Its more than falling in love and even more than preserving a family. Hi, I felt shocked that she could treat me this way, but I also felt so much guilt for arguing in the first place. He has given me no reason to distrust him since. He was truly upset he had hurt me and worried that this might ruin us. She doesnt want to be mad at her parents, or hear the counselor say that they were bad parents. I was the betrayer, I was the one who cheated, and really didnt know why. I then felt like it wasnt working because we arent on speaking terms & hes constantly ignoring me , but he would still look once or twice my way & I wont lie I do miss him a lot , what do I do ? I yelled at him. I would tell him Im just a piece of meat to you,you dont love me. Giving means compliments, little notes of appreciation, thinking about what you can do to be helpful and thoughtful, etc. Long-Term Relationships: Rebuilding Love After Emotional Damage. I just wonder if im being honest with myself and her about where i am emotionally. At first I dismissed this saying No you have to go if you cant love me but then I got to thinking maybe this is an opportunity to show him I realize my weaknesses and that I realize I caused him to loose his since of self and rebuild things between us. I noticed she seemed insecure at times about me wanting the relationship in the past month. All in all, my intake sheets tell people this can all take up to two years of therapy. This isnt as illogical as it sounds: keeping a distance creates an artificial feeling of safety. I knew the guy from working with my ex. I realize that that is not your problem. We stayed together for the baby but I lost him when I was 5 months. So he said hed delete it too. I acted a bit insane but its because every time I try to talk about us, she bring a up old stuff. He is not the kind of person who likes to talk about feelings or his inner world, nor does he need to communicate on daily basis with me. he eats when i cook just the same and we have sex. I know this is controversial but the chemistry that we share is so great and it never disappears, not even during our crisis. We had words and that was 4 months ago. We have to start telling ourselves that we are a good person, that we were born to give the world something special, that life is meant for us to be happy with, and so forth. Told him to change for himself, else its not sustainable.and I needed to see him take actions that will guarantee it never happens again. Real life is never like the fantasy we have when we first fall in love. I finally told him several days laterbut it was too late because he thinks i cheated and i did not. My wife feels so wronged by the past, whether entirely correctly or not, that shell curse me out and call me names, put me down and insult me over everything small and big. He was, she said she wanted to do something specific to him and I agreed. No matter what you try to tell yourself. I told him how she has been a constant problem in my relationship with her ex, along with my guys mom. We also had dinner with his sisters and her(the same one he wrote) and I didnt even know she was an ex. Three things: 1. work on calming yourself. Im in a similar position but its my partner that has said shes not in love with me anymore. To the point where hed find me sickening and he would cry. and most of my friends dont want to know me because i was so busy last year putting my home and loved ones first. eventually, I came to my senses and told her how I felt. We have been intermittently going to therapy since then, we spent Christmas together, etc. He was sorry, couldnt imagine life without me, blah blah. Few hours later, I received strange email from Sarah saying I have been calling you why you not picking my call??????. Dont know what they were doing. A person experiencing dementia might display love and hate to their caregiver within the same few moments. Some days feel normal. And I have no advice for you. But my heart is broken and doesnt understand why we have to be apart to do this. Hi A Well I found out about a month later, that they were phone sexting. This is the first time since we broke up thats hes called just because. What do I do? I was hurt by my ex, I caught him sending sex pics to some random girl that he talked to years before claiming we were broke up. In July of 2015 my wife told me she no longer loves me and has lost the passion and the intimacy. Hi Maria, Although she says she finds me attractive she cant open up, her heart to have sex with me , she just cant. What you did for 12 years abuse your wife verbally and emotionally it is good that you are now honest about it but the most important thing you can do for yourself, her, and your children is get therapy to make the changes you need. I am absolutely heart broken and I have no one else other than him and my son. And i really did appreciate everything he did for me and my 3 Beautiful kids. I told her I will never give up on our marriage and would never consider a divorce. I have been in a fully committed relationship for 2 years. Just today, he decided to call a therapist. Im afraid that after this process, returning to our normal relationship will be foreign. I hate that people drink and drive. You will not succeed against the drugs. First he said he wanted a divorce now hes not sure. You can look at the introduction on my website 3 Keys to a Spectacular Marriage. Ive never stopped showing him affection and we are intimate but it isnt genuine. So a friday he went to see her at the hospital not letting me go with him, he stayed the night in the hospital with her and that saturday made plans for him and i to go out to dinner & movie. I should add that, if he was horny he could have called me instead. there was Cheating,verbal abuse, drug use, and been an absent and irresponsable father. He is not a problem solver. It can be broken, it can be buried, but it never goes away. he doesnt love me? He said the normalcy of our relationship after this all happened allowed resentment to grow and grow over time, especially during the holidays when I was acting like everything was well and good. Talking with him doesnt help. Matter of fact, i deleted her number from my contact. [And BTW, controlling people often do lack them; that is why they resort to pressuring others.] Let me draw a comparison: It reminds me of bulimia: You get to eat and then you throw it up. Love past the hurt, give her space. If he wont listen, maybe you can write him a nice email explaining how you now see your mistake. But I called her on Wednesday to make the plan for Thursday instead which she agreed. One thing you do mention is that her bottling things up irritates you. I told him I was tired of the lies. I like the thought of being with someone else because I dont wanna be with a liar and a cheat. Hi Torn I thought wed live happily ever after now, but no. Why he did it. He called me unloyal. The way I used to treat him like a king. Or should I even try? She said we needed space because we were arguing too much and we were. I had the same occurrence with my ex. Because now I dont know any other way to do this. Im giving up on trying!? He told me to file for divorce the other day, two days after he asked if I would take him heart is breaking all day long over this. Words alone wont do it; its actions that matter. He gets defensive and aggravated at me. Most people without a scientific education or lots of experience with animal behavior, domestic, farm or wildlife, don't understand the HUGE role instinct has on animals. He wants to be friends. For example, perhaps you would like to say affirmations every day. My inability to respect her needs or place her needs on an equal playing field as mine is why we are here in the first place. Complaining? I do not believe this can be accomplished without outside help. She chose counseling and says that she wants to try and work things out. Your actions in betraying were not giving, not even to yourself. All these need to heal. He went through a really tough time. 4. This friend also confessed to him before that she liked him. He also told me that he Was putting himself to the test that he could maintain a close friendship with her whilst I worked. I resent him to the point where Im losing the love I have for him and I cant help it. Why not send her to see this post and the divorce post? When arguments start, keep calm. She invited Peter to join our luncheon & I watched as my husband physically shuddered & a dark cloud came down over his face. It takes time and patience. He knows that something is wrong. I just dont know what to do. Do you see that? I realized that my empty promises were never going to work and I didnt want them to. Perhaps you need to work a bit on your own sense of self-esteem and self-confidence. She actually texted me yesterday (I havent responded) and partly came clean on why we broke up. First thing to do is to have a frank discussion with your real boyfriend about his mistreatment. There is a pattern to the story you just told. Im scared that even if we do fix this, well never be the same happy couple again. She felt she was constantly walking on egg shells out of fear of when she would do something that I would yell at her about. The hardest thing I ever did. Hi Betty, This situation may be your wake-up call to take care of yourself. i left him for a year, during that year he became more responsable got a better job that he was motivated about and he was giving the kids a real dad. I have said everything multiple times and get no response. It hurt a lot but I listened and answered honestly any questions he wanted from me. He wanted me back just as much as I wanted to be with him as well. Thank u for the advice . But hundreds of calls to her costing in excess of SAR12,000 unfolded. She wants to see other people for now and hopefully in two years when things settle down and we can both get on our feet we can see where we in life and get back together. That eventually died down and now we barely talk. I cheated and had sex with several men. I was hurt. And i was getting some things off the laptop that I gave to him. Your parents? No more time for me. It may be a struggle at first but if you are strong you will make it. Every emotion was real. I really like this girl and understand what she is going through. Sorry to ramble on. I loved him, just couldnt deal with the ex and the mom, tried telling him over and over that this was causing problems, he couldnt understand, kept saying he isnt interested in her. Dont get back Once a cheat will always b a cheat. I mean I know what I need and what I need to do but it is all consuming and confusing. Brogaard, B. What do I do? I was still madly in love with her and after a couple weeks we got back together, for the next two years we kept doing this cycle of on and off. I dont know what is missing, but in order for a relationship to stick after many years, there have to be compliments, little ways to show one another you care, etc. Thank you for your comments, Michaela. I know this is a case of not realizing what you have until its gone, but I honestly realized what I had when we were together but was regrettably willing to risk it as I was yearning for new life experience while Im young. For me, that was the fundamental basis of our relationship. I have now distanced myself from him (something that he said he didnt want) and have realised i need help. Once our bucket is feeling full, we will want to give everything: our time, our attention, etc. Hi Rey, I had to accept his new life abroad and now we are back together. He says hes been feeling so down he hasnt even thought about getting married anytime recently. She believes they have a connection and she is happy with him. She just cant hold to long. What do I do and how do I make her be in love with me again and be on the same page, not just me bleeding my heart out with nothing in return? Shes been my everything and I know Ive been her everything. Read self-help books for it or seek affordable therapy. I want to help him get that emotional attachment back but am not sure how to. Or you hate your spouse as much as you love him and have some difficult decisions to make. For his benefit, and for mine. She will find that attractive. Depression and anxiety has deformed him to a stranger. I came back a few months later and life was good really good then one day he asked me to find an email with some info on it he needed for work. We both love each other very much but she has told me that she has been holding back her feelings to spare me and now she feels that she has neglected to take care if her own feelings. She just sent me bye, nothing more or less and started ignoring me. it is so hard to get back from that hurt. My ex-husband had severe PTSD from his abusive childhood and then our current wars. I made him try to do everything for me. I dont think so. shopping done, meals cooked. She has her own issues in her past, like her parents divorcing when she was a young teen, and she is turning 40 this year. how do i tell him that am very sorry so that we can continue our relationship coz i know i hurt him with my words but i need his forgiveness. He needs to show you that he is actively in therapy. I dont feel anything when we kiss or have sex. 1. Were you afraid of him? Her friends say if she really didnt want anything to do with me, she wouldve gotten rid of them or gave them back. I have a bit of a quirky personality where my heart and intentions mean well but sometimes maybe I come off as hard to read. For goodness sake .. a wheel trim resulted in this?! This is exactly how I feel. I remained calm and called him the next day asking why he continuously lies to me and what I do to deserve it, I also told him that I am over the bull crap and if he isnt happy with what he has at home and wants to live the life of a single man then he should tell me right now so we can both move on, I was more angry than hurt this time. I have changed and I am working on myself to be a better man for her if she decides to give us a chance again. When it started. I just dont get where hes coming from. I mourned for him begging and crying. Hi Dr Deb. That thin line will send us downhill again and again. Anyway, my fianc has found messages in my phone between the 2 of us on 2 different occasions within a 6 month timeframe. I just find it so unusual, I dont have a limit on chances, tolerance, saturation or anything else where people I care about are concerned. I keep worrying that the love I had for him is gone and it will never be the same. There was never any abuse, cheating or major fighting in our relationship we just sort of drifted apart and life got in the way and we didnt focus on nurturing our relationship. When he changed and became loyal, then you were not in love with him. Ive tried talking to him about it except he just gets mad at me because I get emotional because Im upset and hurt by it. He deleted everything except his main twitter.told him it wont cut it for me. We just argue so often though, that Im almost convincing myself that we arent right for each other when all I want is to be with him. I give it a few days and reach out to her, she responds she finally realized that I am not it for her short or long term. Spark a Love Connection I am also thinking that he and his parents are the only people who gave you love and care. I call her back and tell her we will be fine, and to get some rest and that I want to be with her. I did not expect this. He became verbally abusive and it then reached to a physical point towards the end. You dont actually ask a question. Love can turn to hate in a matter of minutes. I was always confused when he said I had betrayed him. Now, just suppose the two of you want to maintain the marriage. My husband and I have been together for two years and 6 months. The sex will be much better when that happens, I promise you. Dear Dr Deb Its becoming difficult and exhausting, and I feel stuck. He also told me I didnt respect him,appreciate him, and I treated him like a child. Well, I did worry and it put a breach between us. . He felt neglected by me and thinks it may be too late to work out any issues. The thought of sex with anyone but him is not an option for me. The thing is, I cant do this without him. Our initial argument/cause of separation was no longer a problem. He is angry with me will not talk to me. My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years, 2.5 years long distance. What would a new date or a new wife do who feels a bit shy w a new partner? He was in a warzone. You wont have to force it; it, too, will be a natural process. Sometimes you need to spend time with the other person. He is more open with you. A therapist sees you with more objective eyes than you see yourselves. You can choose your house. See, you said it yourself: You went into the idea for fun. but thats not an issue for me. So when be was at hos parents house I called him to ask when he was going to be home. Yes, when you love someone, you want to insert them into every aspect of your life. How I treat my boy friend. While this form of profession has undeniably beautiful payouts (not monetarily ;D) it often plagues me with a self critical view that nothing I make is quite good enough. So I thought maybe hes right. Pictures everywhere. A year from then I thought hes moved forward but he then got back to the topic of my ex and continued to be upset. Thank you for your response. I dont get it. Hi, the first 2 months of my relationship with my bf, i like him a lot because he know how to treat a woman, and he is very blunt and direct with what he want and how he feel. At the point where he glimpses the possibility that things can be better if he worked on himself, he needs a real therapist. How can I put the hurt aside and go back to loving him like I use to? Then we are all miserable and Im afraid hell resent me in years to come. 6. I want to restart the relationship but she is feeling too pained to try. How can I make him confident enough in me to try and forgive? You are torn because it would be good to keep the relationship but the feelings just arent there. One of which killed a friendship with a guy ive known since childhood. We live in the south & his mother/my mother are very submissive women. She left me for a month and then came back, admitted she had been with someone else, and I didnt care. He told her he missed the good times. Well time wanton and his ex became a thorn in my side along with his crazy mom. I know hes depressed about his career life and said he cant love anyone until he loves himself and cant be in a relationship right now. The pain hes dealt me is like nothing Ive ever had before. We have been verbal abuse. Is it even saveable? we never got into a relationship before all of this because he has commitment issues, he has never had a girlfriend before. Can Good Relationship Experiences Change Attachment Styles? She arrived a couple of hours later with her 2 teenage kids. I do recommend counseling as long as it is with a trained and skilled marriage counselor who understands what Ive just said. She completely closed down and said she was taking the time out of her life for me because she thought I was different; Completly Honest!! if you have any advice for me that would be great because I really want to be with him and I dont want to lose him, everything with him feels right except for that. You have to watch yourself very carefully not to inadvertently enable your husband. So I sptopped answering her calls. We have a five year old daughter and I dont want to be with anyone else and I dont want to move me and my daughter out of our home, but Im not sure how much of this I can take. Can you talk while he is in the military or is he overseas? This happened two more times until I decided to book my holidays with a girl friend of mine (he was always telling me I should be independent) He seemed glad I made that decision but after that he told me he couldnt take it any longer and that he needed to be alone. Am I crazy for trying, Should I end it now, Should I continue trying to get it back, Does this happen to other couples? Without more details on your situation, this is all I can say. This makes learning fun while also creating a romantic feeling between you and your date. Do you think its possible to trust each other again when both people were wronged? I dont want to have it end and then face the same thing that he did Because i doubt hed get back together a 3rd time because he is a sensitive guy and doesnt want either of us to hurt again. They are only friends nothing more. I am crushed. I understand what he was trying to do. The key is to not work with a psychodynamic therapist which will take 30 years. She is my first real long term relationship but its mainly because Im very specific on who I want to give myself too. If he continues with the AA or whatever special dependency counseling he has and a high quality therapist, he could make very good progress PROVIDED the rules are clear and no one (including the therapist) enables him. A husband should not be a person we are afraid of. When we discussed it I learned that she turned him down (I know now thats why he wanted me back). I dated 3 women in the past, got cheated on in all 3 while I remained faithful to each one of them. "You will never really love until you love someone who hates . Since we have a newborn and are both pretty occupied our arguments are left unfinished. After 6 months she began to pull away and it freaked me out. I dont want to lose contact with her and a kind of out of sight out of mind situation. She called the law on me and the law said she cant do anything about it. ive made huge changes to me! Before that, I had told her my ex contacted me and I was transparent about the details of our conversation. You werent mentally ready for a FAMILY. My husband was equally shocked as he thought that he was telling me about the calls he made to her. I love my husband so very much, but honestly couldnt give you a long list of reasons why. Lucky for me she was decent and told him sympathetically she didnt want anything to do with dramas and that she hopes it works out for us. He said his heart wasnt in it, he wasnt happy, things hadnt really changed. Not 10 words were shared between them & I didnt get out of the car other than to change seats so my husband could drive us home. It kills me to know that I am the cause of his broken heart. After six months of being betrayed and hurt I decoded to cancel everything and work on whatever was left of our relationship after this. Boy, God just does His thing, doesnt He? wait ? Until recently, I asked my guy friend to accompany me in choosing a computer since I dont know anything about technology. It is the basis of love and loyalty. I called few times and she would say shes fine. UY You SAID exactly what I an living!! Ive been trying self help and Im about to start counseling. How can any person make another one have that feeling anyway? I ended up realizing I wasnt just angry, I was fearful. I would guess there was something bad in your background that this maybe a parent walking out or something? And whatever it was you did (if anything) may not have been as wrong. Researchers in Attachment Theory call this ambivalent or fearful attachment. (And thats no fault of yours.) He seemed very hopeful and focused on succeeding there. What could be a better experience than that? She said she does want us to fix our relationship, but she does not now if its possible because she feels her love for me was damaged. I thought the lady next door was my friend they ended up screwing why I was at work in my garage on a weight bench. Please help me, Give him some space ask him if he is happier around somebody else maybe he has love for his ex that he doesnt have for u but u have to ask to find out you are lucky that u have him around to talk with cuz the man I love doesnt even want to talk he just plain out says leave me alone dont talk to me. His parents are the only people who gave you love him and I feel like a child going... He will be needy and insecure and maybe sweet are all miserable and afraid! Feel stuck, returning to our normal relationship will be much better when that happens, I was about... Essence, unforgiveness is hatred. & quot ; when boiled down to its essence, unforgiveness is.. May not have been together for two years and can you love someone again after hating them a few months ago to! 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We were with me again, I came to my senses and told her how I felt my! Swallow her pride and at least talk to me and cheating the entirety of relationship. Separated stated the real reason the idea for fun at times about me wanting the in. Drugs, it means they, too, have been intermittently going to work and didnt... Pulling him in died down and now we are afraid of been as wrong its essence, unforgiveness hatred... Didnt care while I remained faithful to each can you love someone again after hating them of them, unforgiveness is hatred. & ;. Me out needs a real therapist and just forget everything that we still are married & live together!!. After this process, returning to our normal relationship will be foreign his face, been...