It's interesting how no one saw these mysterious bruise's before June 10th, except of course..Darlie's family members. Assuming it was Darlie who placed the sock, would she have had to go out of the front door to avoid the motion detectors, or is there a back door that provides a path around the sensors? He didn't even use sutures or staples, he used steri-strips. She may have gotten more and more upset thinking about what Darin had said and somehow justified in her mind that her two oldest boys were the source of her problems. Besides being well written, it was factual. She kept telling me that when she chased the suspect across the kitchen, that hed dropped the knife and shed picked up the knife and brought it back and set it on the counter. You got me curious about Malignant Narcissism disorder. One towel and one washcloth were discovered to have blood on them which were both identified as belonging to Darlie. A bloody hand print of Damon's was found on the carpet where he was first stabbed and a second hand print was found on the couch (which had initially been wiped off-discovered with Luminol testing) showing that he had moved. This author has been cyber-stalked, insulted, accused of being Darin Routier himself, publicly cussed at and even more recently, threatened with physical harm similar to what happened to author Barbara Davis, until she changed her mind about Darlie's guilt. The crime scene was secured immediately after the murders took place on June 6, 1996 and was still being investigated as late as Nov 21, 1996, less than 2 months before the trial. I mean no disrespect, but are you really more persuaded by the idea of a satanic cult being reponsible for these murders than all of the evidence IN THIS ARTICLE? I looked over and saw my two babies with blood all over them. The best evidence we had in the case was Routier herself, she gave about seven different stories about what happened. Update 12/18: The home has dropped again in price to $390,000. Then yet a fifth letter sent to her Aunt LouAnn, Shook read out loud: "We know who did this and we're trying to get more on him." Seeing all the video interviews of Darlie Routier, the home movies, the photos of her with the boys smiling and seemingly happy, makes it's hard to understand what drove her to committing such an unspeakable act. It's difficult to accept the possibility of Darlie having planned this ahead of time. Her laceration did not penetrate muscle and was less than a half of an inch deep. In attempts to show Darlie's spending habits, the prosecution also made mention that Darlie's friends had jokingly nick-named her "Shop till you drop Darlie. He too was asked about these towels. Shook produced a third letter and read out loud "I know who did it, and it's driving me crazy that he is out there running free.." Then he read out loud a fourth letter to one of Darlie's friends stating: "I'm praying they'll be able to get a confession from Glenn." Darlie Routier told a detailed story about a man that broke into her home and stabbed her sons to death. When listening to the 911 tape the dog isn't heard barking at all for the first 3 minutes and 30 seconds of the call, despite all the shouting going on between Darin and Darlie. Its results, though, are currently pending, from what we can tell. your pictures of big bruising on arm after she went home. Working in emergency medical service for 30 years I've seen it firsthand. Assistant District Attorney Greg Davis said in court papers that investigators also found head hairs matching Darin on the murder weapon. According to one version of Darlie's 5 different intruder stories, he supposedly had a knife, not a baseball bat. What mother in the world would leave their baby all alone upstairs in that situation? He told her 4 separate times to put pressure on Damon's wounds and she never did it. At the sentencing phase of the trial Darlie Routier was sentenced to death by lethal injection. 5) wet towels per your blog. i came across this blog after watching the tv show last defense. All while her husband Darrin and 7 month old son Drake slept . Even Darlie's friend and neighbor Karen Neal, a trained Registered Nurse, testified that she didn't see the underarm bruise on her right arm while visiting Darlie every day in the hospital. Sclemmons, if "Nightmare324" writes at that level, he CANNOT POSSIBLY be able to read this article and even understand it unaided, so don't even acknowledge this ridiculous criticism. Nabors also noticed that with all the blood on the counter and kitchen floor that the sink was perfectly clean and the cabinet doors under the sink were clean as well with the exception of blood smudges around the edges. If she were truly innocent, why isn't she saying "Hey people! I happen to agree she was a narcissistic person, but I am not going to take a drugged out teenagers word fir shit and anytime anyone brings up the video their opinion is bullshit we know it's all based on that. She literally sealed her own fate on the witness stand. Judge Tolle announced that the trial would begin Monday morning at 9:00 AM on January 6, 1997. She further said if she hadn't put her arm up, he would have killed her. Note - the author added the placement of Darlie, Devon and Damon to this map along with references for orientation of the 1st floor. Darlie's lead defense attorney, Doug Mulder, has even stated that they did receive the entire video, and for reasons unknown decided not to present it to the jury or object to the memorial service segment not being shown to the jury by the prosecution. An intact expensive flower vase was found lying on the floor with long stem flowers. minecraft bedrock pixelmon server ip and port; pilar jenny queen nose; november horoscope 2022 libra; robert ito spouse; reno air race crash photos graphic Fortunately, Toby Shook had other people in the conference room where she was being interviewed and everyone in the room said Shook did not do that. When interviewed, she knows exactly how and when to cry and turn on the heart tugging emotions and people eat this up. It is just so arbitrary. (Discussed later in this blog) And, Sylvia Chase states the defense was never given the entire silly string video including the memorial service conducted before the spraying of the silly string. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 03, 2018: Happy New Year to you too Everton, and you Jade as well. Let me know your thoughts. 165 potential jurors were interviewed by the defense and prosecution. Darlie never mentioned anything about applying wet towels to anyone in her June 6, 1996 formal written statement to police. On May 23, 1996, they received a notice of foreclosure on their house (Barbara Davis, Precious Angels, pg. Darlie Routier 2021 Information Darlie Routier Women On Death Row SID Number: 05664972 TDCJ Number: 00999220 Name: ROUTIER,DARLIE LYNN Race: W Gender: F Age: 52 Maximum Sentence Date: DEATH ROW Current Facility: MOUNTAIN VIEW Projected Release Date: DEATH ROW Parole Eligibility Date: DEATH ROW Inmate Visitation Eligible: YES Psychologist Dr. Lisa Clayton, handsomely paid by the defense for her testimony, testified Routier exhibited the typical blackouts and distorted memory of people who experience a profound trauma and are forced to give clear descriptions of it soon after the event.Yet in jailhouse letters to friends and private conversations to friends and family before she was arrested, (even with the hospital staff) she appeared to have perfect detailed recollections of what took place, and never mentioned she couldn't remember anything. Rowlett Detective Jimmy Patterson even documented this in his June 18, 1996 arrest warrant" "Darlie told us that she saw the assailant drop the knife in the utility room.". So now we have these dramatic photos of Darlie in bed with all these wires and tubes and her intentionally displaying a look on her face as if she were on death's doorway. At this point Darlie began crying again. I also believe that the evidence clearly points to her guilt. "My life has been such a hard fight for a long time and I just can't find the strength to keep fighting anymore." The prosecution even commented later that Darlie was their best witness. Damon and moved some distance from where he was initially stabbed. DA Toby Shook instructing the courtroom bailiff to be sure to show the photo of her large underarm (Right arm) bruise to every single juror. Darlie Routier was again interviewed the day after the murders in the hospital, this time by detectives. Darlie had told Mize's wife about him cussing out their secretary on one occasion and that she didn't appreciate it. Darin never mentioned a word about towels or Darlie bringing him towels in his written police statement, but he testified in court that she brought him 3 or 4 towels. Shook told her they had been intercepted by her jailers. So that tells me that this is just another cloak from yet another Darlie fanatic pushing this Darin-did-it fairytale. Not at all, LOL. She was also charged with Devon's murder but not tried by the prosecution for two reasons. Every journalist that was granted an interview with Darlie in prison went in either believing she was guilty or they were undecided. This is a portion of the trial in which Davis questions Dr. Parchman: DAVIS: Can you give us an estimate of how long this child might have lived if, say, stab wound 1 had been inflicted and then the other three were inflicted sometime later on? It's part of an all-out push by the Innocence Project to . Most if not all of the Darlie support sites are good at using the cherry picking tactic when extracting testimonial quotes from the Darlie Routier case court transcripts. Please stop spreading myths about this case! Darlie in hospital Five minutes later, police arrived at Darlie's home in Rowlett, a suburb of Dallas. The gate in the back yard had hinge problems. While there has been a lot of activity in the past year concerning the Routier case, nothing has occurred concerning defense efforts to move the post conviction proceedings through the court system, Cooper said. I think it is the emergence of social media that makes people so aggressive as to their viewpoint and the need to share it with everyone. (which she may have planned to do) And, if that were Darins intent, or motive, (insurance money) why didnt he kill her? I strongly recommend that you read them in their entirety. They feature juror Charlie Samford stating he was incorrect in his guilty verdict; however he has since recanted that opinion. The stems were unbroken giving the investigators the impression that they had just been laid there, not knocked over during a struggle. Neither Devon nor Damon's blood was found on any of the towels. (An MD) The murders occurred in 1996, The Texas Department of State Health Services didn't approve and incorporate Emergency Medical Dispatchers until November of 1999. She first stated that she laid the towel on one of Devon's chest wounds, then while still testifying she changed it to laying the towel next to Devon. So properly factual that you feel comfortably safe believing every word written. And she claimed she slept through her attack too ! This was a very disturbing case and an emotional case. There was no fiberglass rod on the breadknife. One such author and this author have discussed the case on her HubPage on several occasions and we both politely agreed to disagree. Darlie told Detective Frosh that prior to police arrival, she carried towels to Damon and to Devon to help stop the bleeding. This has yet to happen. Darin eventually goes upstairs to go to bed and Darlie stayed downstairs in the family room with the boys. Darin did NOT DRUG HIS WIFE. This would explain why none of her blood was on the sock and none of her blood was found anywhere along the route to where the sock was found. She could have returned from dropping the sock, stood at the sink and cut herself at which time she realizes that Damon is still alive. Doug Mulder: You didnt remove it, did you? For the life of me, I do not understand the need that some people have to look at this case and just invent theories that are not based on the evidence. Judge Lokken ordered Mrs. Routier held without bond. IF the world runs on that oxymoron theory, 99% the criminals should never be tried at all, because 99% crime were committed WITHOUT any witness! All with a simple procedure that would have under any other circumstance had her discharged from the ER in a couple of hours. I believe it was found right at the entrance to the utility room. So well written. They claim she didn't have the time to put the sock there. She's committed to that claim at this point, she's on death row; the very moment she admitted guilt her appeals process would come to a grinding halt and a date for execution would be scheduled immediately. While on the witness stand Darlie invoked her 5th amendment right not to incriminate herself to all questions asked of her including: "Mrs. Routier, do you love your children? The Darlie Supporters say that it was just so traumatic to her that she erased it from her memory and doesn't remember it. The children were murdered in June 1996, and Routier . Mulder should have advised her not to even attempt to argue with prosecutor Toby Shook, a skilled and experienced attorney trained to take apart a witness on the stand; especially when that witness is the defendant. Darlie has always maintained her innocence. He sure had the opportunity. (Barbara Davis, Precious Angels, pages 90-91). ", The Routier kitchen serrated knife used to cut the garage window screen. Supporters say a motive was never properly established and Darlie Routier was a loving mother that would never do this to her children. This included interviews with the original investigating detectives and evidence collection technicians. Etbaker: Thats one of rhise myths startex by Darlie's family and occasionally parroted by her cult members. Then she went on to say that she picked up the knife and put it on the counter. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on March 08, 2018: Hi SClemmons, First time I heard about this case, I was just commenting in general. Investigators located Glenn Mize the man Darlie was referring to. Or has he changed his mind again? It appeared that he was trying his best to make it out of the family room and move toward the stairs. He lived there, of course his hair is going to be in the house and if he wore that sock, it's not at all unusual that fibers would be found in his shoe. She was even taking depression meds prescribed by her physician. Darlie even admitted to taking this polygraph later in a 2001 prison interview. Nightmare324 aka Kezzy There is an app called grammerly. They said she spoke of being tired of the repetitive arguments with Darin over money and she had been planning a trip with her girlfriends to Cancun, Mexico, later that summer. The late defense attorney Doug Mulder and Darlie Routier in court during the sentencing phase of the trial. And these things you bring up are relatively minuscule in comparison to the blood and DNA evidence, the splatter on her nightshirt, the blood drops around the two boys on the carpet, her being caught in lies on the witness stand, her ever changing multiple accounts of what occurred on the night of the murders. In 1996, a small Texas community was rocked by the tragic slaying of two young boys. The police and prosecution had their sights set on one person as the perpetrator: the boy's mother, Darlie Routier. Did you even READ this article before you wrote your comment? Darlie later told officers that shed fallen asleep while watching television on the couch and had woken up only to find a long-haired man, wearing a baseball cap, t-shirt, and jeans, in her living room. Perhaps she just laid there on the couch stewing over the fight they had just had. While discussing the case on Quora with a seemingly intelligent fellow (good spelling, grammar, superficially adequate knowledge of the case), I brought up the bread knife with the microscopic fibers that match the garage window screen. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on April 06, 2018: I rest my case. Darin could have given her a story to tell the police about waking up on the couch to an intruder attacking her, but again, with her state of mind at this moment she would have been upset, scared, confused, and half listening to him, which could explain the 5 different intruder stories she later gave police and prosecutors. Her net worth is calculated to be approximately $1.5 Million. Supporters make issue of the small family dog, Domain, who reportedly was losing his mind barking at police from upstairs upon their arrival. He was also courteous enough to put the knife back in the block when he came in. In other words, what the Darlie supporters are suggesting is that this was a well-orchestrated, well-coordinated conspiracy that included local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, hospital employees, attorneys, paramedics, neighbors and co-workers all working together hand in hand to set up Darlie Routier. We also believe that the wounds present on Darlie Routier were self-inflicted. Almost nobody believes the "Intruder" theory for many of the reasons discussed, and ALL (not much, not some, not most) of the evidence inside the house points to Darlie. It all would have had to happen quickly considering the fact that Damon was still alive when EMS and law enforcement arrived. Darlie supporters are quick to say this is how Damon and Devon's blood got on her nightshirt. They go on other support sites and slander your name, make wild accusations about you, and basically set themselves up to be the receiver of a serious libel suit, which this author has been seriously considering with one particular individual. In Texas alone in the past 25 years, a total of 64 children have been murdered by their mothers. The jailer assigned to escort Darlie back to her cell later stated that he observed both Darlie and her mother sobbing at the conclusion of the testing. However, I am grateful for such a detailed account with actual information from the trial transcripts and investigator's reports. Darlie even said in her initial written statement to police that she screamed for Darin and he was there before she called 911, "I looked over and saw the door shut to the garage, and so I thought he might still be in there, and I needed to get Darin. Was juror Charlie Samford asleep when this picture was shown to them? People who wish to post comments here are welcome to do so whether you agree with the guilty verdict or not. In an interview with Darlie's current attorney, Stephen Cooper, he was asked what he thought about the Darlie supporters that contact his office with supposed "new theories." New evidence may allow former Lubbock resident Darlie Routier to walk free after being on death row for the last 12 years. The supporters conclude that some sort of deal was made between Darin and Darlie's mother, Darlie Kee, with defense attorney Doug Mulder who in turn promised not to go after Darin. Allison testified that on numerous occasions when she would visit her friend Renee at the Routier home with Darlie there, Darlie would purchase cigarettes for Allison, allowed her to drink Zima coolers, which were drinks containing alcohol, and even allowed her to smoke marijuana in the house. Their mother, Darlie Routier, has been fighting to get off of death row for over 25 years. The transcripts also suggest that Darin Routier lied as well during his own testimony about the towels. Hmmm, strangely we haven't heard anything about his doing that since his 1995 press statement. It might help make your comments readable. this blog put me ahead of the show with the details. If anyone is guilty as sin it's Darlie. Koschak testified that after assessing Devon and noticing that he was obviously dead, he went over to Darlie in the kitchen to look at her neck. based on the above findings should i vote guilty or not guilty? This is so true in the political forum, also. It wont be the first time a husband drugs his wife. As Darlie's accounts of what happened continued to change in the days following the murders, she now said that she fought the intruder on the couch who was a male, about 6 feet tall, wearing a black t-shirt ball cap and blue jeans that was holding a large knife while still on top of her. There's a large group of amateur armchair detectives that sit at home in front of their computer screens watching YouTube video's critiquing the techniques utilized by the evidence investigators and lab technicians at the Routier crime scene. It really doesnt pay to put on a documentary 25 years later to show someones guilty, Shook said. Nothing. I do continue to maintain that Darin had some involvement. Darlie told investigators that she and the boys had decided to sleep in the family room with the boys on the floor and her on the couch watching TV (As later discovered she had done for several nights before the murders) while Darin and baby Drake slept upstairs in the bedroom. Darlie bought that necklace at a pawn shop; it was used jewelry. The screen fibers were larger than the fingerprint brush fibers and the screen fibers on the knife contained black rubber and asbestos. They presented their conclusions to Mr. Samford and explained methodically how they came about them. Pro Hac Vice is the court allowing an attorney who doesn't live, work, or conduct regular business in a given state to represent a client there. Maybe the article you read on the Time Magazine was related to the episode. LS1 had a downward trajectory. Darlie denied cleaning or even being anywhere near the kitchen sink, despite her blood being everywhere around it and in front of it. Darlie consistently told investigators that she could not remember the intruders face. Darlie has always maintained her innocence. What I appreciate most is that you have reported in a fair & factual manner, pretty much avoiding too much personal "opinion." Anyone who's read anything about the Darlie Routier case knows that Routier was filmed spraying silly string on her son Devon's grave at a birthday celebration held for him. Darlies friend Mercedes said that Darlie told her she woke up to find the intruder straddling her. Do you know anything about this? Doug Mulder: After you got the towels wet, did you take those to Darin? The only footprints found were Darlie's bare footprints and a partial boot-print found to be consistent with Sergeant Walling's boots from where he first checked the garage. Owners removed the fountain from the front yard and the spa from the back yard. Actually, it was probably more valuable evidence to the prosecution than it was to the defense. Im Todestrakt Darlie Routier DOKU - YouTube 0:00 / 52:45 Im Todestrakt Darlie Routier DOKU Knastlord 623 subscribers Subscribe 739 Share Save 267K views 8 years ago Fr ihre Schnheit ging. Obviously not very familiar with the case, many of Darlie's supporters raise question as to why the police and the prosecution didn't investigate him from the beginning. 25 Feb/23. Interestingly, none of these "wet" towels were seen, recovered, or photographed when police and EMS arrived at the house 3 minutes after the 911 call. A small pool of blood indicated that someone bleeding, most likely from the hand or arm had been there. (Especially the right arm holding the knife) Juror Rina Way said on the "Liza Show" that the fact that Devon had a knife wound on his buttocks suggested that he had both legs up in the air kicking Darlie's right arm to ward off the stabs to his chest. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on March 06, 2018: What an awful story. I have read the trial transcript, so I have seen the truth with my own eyes. All she had going was the fact that she was a semi pretty white woman with a big chest and everybody knows those women never kill. I'm eager to read the reactions and thoughts so we can exchange & discuss! Are you still arguing with that Darin-did-it conglomerate? Curious neighbors from Eagle Drive gather in front of the Routier home the night of the murders. Darlie Supporters just love to say that the blood droplets on the nightshirt aren't proof of anything because the shirt was stuffed in a paper bag (which it wasn't) with other items of clothing. The testing conducted on the knife handle, the sweatband of the cap, and the sock turned out to be inconclusive due to their poor condition. Darlie Routier, now 50, has spent the last 23 years on death row after being convicted of the murder of one . Price: $355,000 (sold after the murder for an unknown price) Darlie Routier Address: 801 Eagle Dr, Rowlett, TX 75088. help me come to the right verdict please. Officer Wade testified that he wouldn't even let the Rowlett Chief of Police (Randall Posey) in the house during the initial investigation. The defense attorney's / Innocence groups always seem to boil their hopes on the same two issues, the "mysterious" unidentified fingerprint known as "85-J." The Defense tried to get her to change her account to the intruder was on Darlies legs, but Mercedes refused to change her story, after which she was dropped from testifying. A third son, eight-month-old Drake and Darlie's husband, Darin, were asleep in the master bedroom upstairs. We investigated exactly the same way you did, and perhaps we've done more investigation than you, you're not special. Paramedic Jack Kolbye, the paramedic that tended to Damon in the house was called to testify. 94). Operating room staff remove ALL jewelry before any type of surgery and the nasal cannula tubing would rub on the earring, The laceration on the top of Darlie's right arm, Damon and Devon Routier, innocent murder victims. There was some trace blood found on a sign leaning on a box just inside the garage but it was ruled out as to being connected to the crime scene. She claimed she slept through her attack too on January 6, 1996 formal written statement to police be! 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