It sounds funny, but its a scientific fact that kissing can become like a drug because it releases dopamine and endorphins to your brain giving feelings of pleasure and euphoria. Epiphany? The power of the Lord (Sovereign, King) Jesus Christ ! This verse doesnt teach us anything helpful regarding how God views two unmarried people kissing. Creation and activation of a ring of alluring (, There is emission and expansion of a ring of illusory (. Wow, what a story! What Does the Bible Say about Premarital Kissing? Massage, if youre strong enough to let it not lead further. Kissing can be a sin before marriage, or it might not be. Otherwise, real, genuine peril can come to your physical household and to your inner temple where faith resides. 20% of kissing happens between a man and a woman. Often, particles are lodged in the lungs which lead . He's also telling you that he loves all of you, not just your body. Its very easy (though not inevitable) to move from deep kissing to other sexual behaviors. Just like today, kissing was a way for family members or friends to show affection for one another. Its easy to get caught up in a flurry of excitement that has nothing to do with God. In the Greek, were talking about two different kinds of loves. What is It? (2) Kiss on the 3rd Eye (mid-forehead) I revere you spiritually and want to protect or take care you. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. spiritual dangers of kissing 02 September 2020 / By . 1. In fact, the intake of food is one of the easiest ways that negative energies affect a person. 20% of kissing happens between a man and a woman. Kissing can lead to other things. 10 Things You Should Know about the Intermediate State of Death. Is Kissing Considered Adultery in the Bible? Each time people kiss in public 2% sin is incurred. As I stated in this post, How to Live Life as a Determined Christian, You wont give into feelings and the throes of darkness.. Once as a sign if betrayal by a former disciple. Kissing touches the heart and mind. Negative energies generally enter a person through one of the orifices such as the mouth, nose, ears etc. . If someone passionately kisses you in your dream, it could mean you want passion, push, and encouragement. Be brutally honest with yourself 3. STRIKING PARALLELISM BETWEEN DARVINS THEORY OF EVOLUTION AND DASHAVATARA, WHY IS IT FORBIDDEN TO EAT ONION,GARLIC AND NON VEG DURING NAVARATRI, Miseries and Happiness (Vedic Philosophy). But there is no other hugging or kissing in America. For those dating, it can be exhilaratingactual, real-live, skin-to-skin contact with someone of the opposite sex. A sexual soul tie is an emotional and spiritual bond that is created when you have sex or engage in sexual activities with an individual. Mark 14:44-45. It is a disputable matter that good Christians can disagree on. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. If we kiss people who are friends and acquaintances with goodwill, then the goodwill hardly counts as the kiss is generally in lieu of a regular handshake. So lets take a look at the significance of a Biblical kiss. What I say to you I say to everyone, Be on the alert[stay awake and be continually cautious]!. From a spiritual perspective, the mouth is considered as an impure void. The drawing based on subtle-knowledge below shows the exchange of subtle-energies when one person kisses another on the cheek. Its the 12th day of Christmas for some, the day the wise men arrived for others and the day that Jesus was baptized by his cousin. Etc etc I could ho on. This danger definitely involves all three aspect of a person - the human body, mind and spirit. For instance, if someone does not want to kiss until marriage, dont pressure them to do so until the day of the wedding. 119:15-16). In the same way, couples should establish temptations they may struggle with when talking about kissing and other acts of intimacy. When checked through advanced sixth sense, the drawing based on subtle-knowledge was found to be 80% accurate. After all, they are new ! Can we kiss before we tie the knot, and how far is too far before marriage? The table below provides the details about each of the aspects in the above drawing based on subtle-knowledge. The use of touch enhances the transfer of spiritual or subtle-energies up to 100%, when compared to a greeting that does not involve touch. In fact, the intake of food is one of the easiest ways that negative energies affect a person. However, the person kissing her cannot perceive the negative vibrations due to a lack of sixth sense ability. Other couples feel they couldnt kiss without wanting to go further, so they might not kiss until their wedding day. It has been verified and authenticated byHis Holiness Dr. Athavale. Lack of Satisfaction in Life. This verse reminds Christians to be self-controlled in all they do, not controlled by passionate lust. And more often than not, those people who act like they . 2) Decide you're going to do something about it Next up is action. This kiss is imbued with the energy of play and mischief. The answer is that, for both our physical and psychic relationships, it carries a lot of importance. Here are 10 reasons you should open this door carefully. If we kiss people who are friends and acquaintances with goodwill, then the goodwill hardly counts as the kiss is generally in lieu of a regular handshake. Soldiers have to be reminded to stand firm. A note about greetings that involve touch, 5. (13)Kiss on the ears this gesture is charged with passionate sexual intention and power. See from other's perspectives 4. Are these acts of affection done with a clear conscience before God? Biologically, it is called the sense of touch. In one, the woman expresses a desire to be kissed by her beloved. The Maharshi University of Spirituality is restarting its 5-Day workshops held in India! A man kissing you on the forehead can be strange because it can read as a tad paternal, and there may be something to that on a certain level. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. "There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. Our corporeal forms are crude reflections of our wants, needs and desires on the spiritual plane. This sounds more like there is a spiritual danger in accepting Francis as Pope than in rejecting his claim to the Papacy. So when we break off a relationship with someone whom we got intimate, it hurts. Her modern-day Daniel, Blaze, (Illuminate YA) released in June, and they contracted the sequel Den for July 2020. The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good should be required reading for all Christians whether they are involved in overseas missions or work in their own neighborhoods."--Congregational Libraries Today "Greer outlines many of the dangers that go along with serving others, including an inflated ego, a judgmental heart, and serving the poor at the . So if someone has a boundary, make sure to respect it. Dont let your guard down when youre supposed to be awake. Casual kissing can be the source of heavy sexual thinking. Well, the Kissing Bug got it's name because it likes to bite people around the eyes and mouth during sleep. In some respects, the association between spirituality and mental disorder seems contrary to the benefits . In almost all cases, the possessed person is oblivious to the fact that he or she is being controlled by negative energies. The purpose of this article is to make us aware of the spiritual consequences of our everyday actions and not to make us feel afraid. Its especially important not to go overboard with the physical affection when it comes to the opposite sex, especially outside of the family. Don't let people kiss your newborn infant. ), SPIRITUALITY BEHIND BOWING . 13 Dangers of Lacking Spiritual Discernment How to Stop Spiritually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Practice Spiritual Discernment 1. ), others, especially those who struggle with alcohol abuse, will avoid it at all costs to avoid taking the alcohol too far. Jesus did metaphorically tell us to pluck our eye out if it causes us to sin (Matthew 5:29). It provides the necessary background information to understand this article. Physical affection can go a long way to deepen andstrengthena relationship. Kissing and hugging start the foreplay. (10) Kiss on the Hand I respect you and want to move slowly sexually. SPIRITUALITY BEHIND HUGGING the woman expresses a desire to be kissed by her beloved. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'christianforums_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-christianforums_com-banner-1-0'); The Bible does not directly or explicitly say anything about premarital kissing or if kissing is a sin before marriage. However, the dialogue in the book is probably between two spouses or between engaged people. Blog posts represent my personal opinion (Caleb Suko) and do not necessarily represent the opinions or beliefs of any other person or organization. At the outset, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with our article, A spiritual perspective on greeting. ~Acharya Uppal-Deva. However, it is usually in the context of a greeting, not romantic kissing. This drawing based on subtle-knowledge has been drawn by Mrs. Yoya Vallee through an advanced sixth sense of vision. The men who took water in their hands to drink could watch their surroundings and look for danger. This is a spiritual danger. God created kissing as he created all forms of physical expression between humans. Be equally watchful for complacency. You are moving closer to sexual immorality and not away from it. The Jews referred to this kind of brotherly love in terms of what Jesus had for his friend Lazarus. Kissing is not inherently sinful. This practice is considered as a source of pleasure. Again, you should ask God what he thinks about you making out. Is it True for Christians That 'Once Saved, Always Saved'? What does the Bible say about kissing? All this results in the creation of a negative energy covering around the body of the average person. This was not a sexual kind of kissing, but similar to the way that family members might kiss one another today. There are waves of black energy emitted out of the lady who is possessed by negative energies. Intimacy is vulnerable, and God's heart is to protect us and to protect the sanctity of marriage. This becomes a problem because a couple can become emotionally attached before working out spiritual compatibility. Spiritual danger is a reality instead of a possibility. Know the sins in your heart and people that drag you away from God. Could mean its ok, a pat on the back could mean its my turn, or hey looky here friend thats my girl, can I have the next dance, hey everyone I need attention over here. Only Proverbs and the Song of Solomon mention this type of kissing. Dogs can also pass bacteria like clostridium, E. coli, salmonella and campylobacter, and other infections to humans through their licks. This verse tells us to flee from sexual immorality. If kissing causes you to lust after the person youre kissing or you find yourself always wanting to go further than kissing, you are doing the exact opposite of fleeing by kissing. We left soon after, as we had a movie to watch. This action can take many forms. Learn the practical and spiritual consequences of becoming a slave to your passions when succumbed to the temptation of sexual immorality. The safest spiritual option is to avoid greeting people with a kiss or any form of touch and instead greet others with. Although some believers didnt see any harm in the meat, others had superstitions that the meat carried evil spirits. Furthermore, kissing in public attracts negative energies and invites the further decline of those people who engage in such behavior, as well as of those who admire it or emulate it. All Rights Reserved. Kissing can transmit many germs, including those that cause cold sores, glandular fever and tooth decay. The more intimate the act, the more likely one can fall into temptation. Why Was Pastor Oleksandr Tortured By Russians? In France, this kiss is referred to as a lover's kiss or "un baiser amooureux". 3 Dangers of Success and How to Avoid Them. If Christian actors can kiss without inciting lust or wanting to go farther with the person they are kissing, there is no reason they shouldnt kiss. Here, we have to establish the point of dating and how it differs from marriage. In this particular case, one of the people involved is possessed while the other is affected by negative energies. The Bible makes it clear that God only approves of acts of eros, sexual acts, within the confines of marriage. Home; spiritual dangers of kissing . These are important aspects of a relationship. Once I was at a seminar in another church and I had to drive about 12 hours to get home. WHY DO WE DO NAMASTE The negative effect of kissing a person who is possessed can last for many days, resulting in depression, negative thoughts, too many thoughts, etc. In fact, the intake of food is one of the easiest ways that negative energies affect a person. So is imagining kissing a sin? Negative energies generally enter a person through one of the orifices such as the mouth, nose, ears etc. The verse in Proverbs is about a wayward woman trying to entice a young man to sleep with her while her husband is away. SPIRITUALITY BEHIND NAMASKARA General backwardness 7. The solution provided for those who don't want to give up . It can lead to inappropriate touching and premarital sex. In the other, she bemoans the fact that they arent related because then she could kiss him in public and no one would think anything of it. All this results in the creation of a negative energy covering around the body of the average person. If not, see Matthew 24:37-44 and 2 Timothy 3:1-5. When we learn that a friend has passed on a rumor about usor true, but confidential informationit always does damage to the relationship. As for finding the balance between showing affection to someone whom we can see a future with, and avoiding going too far can differ from Christian to Christian. There are two reasons for this: Kissing another person mouth to mouth, as opposed to touching another person by means of a handshake, generates a far deeper level of sexual intimacy. 93% of kissing happens outside of marriage. But do you know these facts about . The bishops conclude by warning Christians of the dangers behind using such a practice. Jesus sets a very high standard for our conduct. To discover whether kissing before marriage is sinful or not, we have to look at what the Bible says more generally about how Gods people should conduct themselves. The most notable symptom is a small white or red blister on the mouth or genitals. Righteousness and Peace once shared a kiss ( Psalm 85:10 ). The Bible mentions kissing several times. Christians can kiss before marriage. There is a creation and an activation of a ring of negative energy at the heart, A flow of dense negative energy from the ladys heart, This in turn creates a dense ring of negative energy at the heart. Hugging in church is as a greeting. Due to the lady being possessed, there is a thick black covering of negative energy around her body. Harper's ran an in-depth article on the fate of a young woman who did intensive Easterm meditation at a retreat and contacted mental illness as a result.It ended tragically. Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, "Hail, Rabbi!" and kissed Him. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PRANAMA AND NAMASKARA Difficulty in making spiritual progress (fasting, praying, reading the Bible) 9. On this page How disease is spread Headache, feeling of pressure in the skull. Looking up, I saw his Mom waving me to come inside. God used a handful of men to defeat the Israelites enemies because they resolutely looked for danger. Kissing the baby on his hands or other parts of the body, which will then come in contact with his mouth, is equally troublesome. Kissing on the lips is a form of profound communication by one's inner spirit to unite with another's inner spirit. You are holding back from telling someone your real feelings The following points can be kept in mind: Fill the form below and meet Them for spiritual guidance ! Aimlessness - Not living a purposeful life 4. Kissing can slow build like a fire and cause you to do things you wouldnt normally do. Updated July 8, 2020. In fact theres a lot of kissing going on in the Bible and it may just surprise you when you find out what the Bible really says about it! These verses dont exactly address our question either. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word" (Ps. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace." Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac tags: farming , living , nature Read more quotes from Aldo Leopold Share this quote: Like Quote Recommend to friends 8. I was 17 when I experienced my first real kiss on the lips. There is one reference to kissing an idol (Hosea 13:2). It may ooze or bleed during an outbreak. In the ancient world, kissing was a common form of greeting, much like it is in many European countries today. David and Jonathan kissed in the Bible as a sign of affection for one another. As stated in the table above, kissing mouth to mouth instigates the easiest and greatest transfer of subtle-energies. When tackling all these questions, we have to apply the same tests from above. Spiritual bypassing is a form of escapism, where people pretend that everything is always positive - to avoid facing their true emotions. We are a community of Christians who all unite under the same principle, that Jesus is Lord. SPIRITUALITY BEHIND GREETING SOMEONE 20 Years After 9/11 What Has America Learned? Paul told the Christians not to serve the meat to those believers who thought eating that meat was sinful, to help them avoid temptation. Kissing can be a controversial topic for Christians. Interesting references on people kissing in the Bible. As stated in the table above, kissing mouth to mouth instigates the easiest and greatest transfer of subtle-energies. Sign up with your email address to be the first to know about new products, VIP offers, blog features & more. basalt. NEW for Our PLUS Subscribers: The Crosswalk Video Devotional! In kissing, we have the desires of two people to blend. Christian dating culture seems to exist in a perpetual gray territory. It definitely deserves its nickname, because mono is caused by a virus that is easily transmitted through kissing, according to Mayo Clinic. Having knowledge about something that affects us adversely gives us the ability to take corrective measures. (11)Kiss on the cheek transmits affection, support and complicity, regardless of physical attraction. You shouldnt pride yourself on your ability to do what others feel they cant or condemn those who do things you dont feel God would have you do. Go soul-searching and study yourself 2. Numbness or pain in the limbs (especially in the foot and left leg) Pain and blockages throughout the body; often in the back and neck (many cases of FMS - fibromyalgia syndrome and myofascial tissue pain - are linked to Kundalini). Dont put yourself in bad positions that will be difficult to get out of. Saliva can transmit various diseases, which means that kissing is a small but significant health risk. If someone struggles with sexual sin, they should avoid putting themselves in a compromised mindset. Most of us cannot perceive this detrimental effect, as we do not have thesixth senseability to do so. It makes it even more difficult for your lungs to filter out everything. More than 450 of her works have been featured in various publications ranging from Writer's Digest to Keys for Kids. Diane I think you pretty much sum up Western cultures perspective. Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. 12 ways meditation can be spiritually dangerous 1) You might suddenly awaken your kundalini If you don't know about your kundalini, it's one of the forms of divine feminine energy that is assumed to rest at the base of your spine. To be more specific, you dont listen for the voice of The Holy Spirit to direct your steps. He created it to be a good and pleasurable act to show affection between friends, family members, and spouses. I also find that there is something very reassuring and encouraging about that type of touch. If either have a previous history with sexual temptation, we may want to avoid activities such as kissing that can prompt sexual thoughts or sexual feelings. The eyes and mouth are real mirrors of the . This natural feature gives Insect connections with the three-fold Divine. Its entirely dependent on the two people involved. Most of the outer layer of the lips are tuned to pick the feelings around the lips, tongue, cheeks, and nose. So should we bring arranged marriages back and avoid even eye contact for the sake of purity? WHY IS IT FORBIDDEN TO EAT ONION,GARLIC AND NON VEG DURING NAVARATRI God's Word says, "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." (Hebrews 13:4) This is the only way your soul can enjoy "safe sex." It is the only place God has sanctioned and chosen to bless. It is very real and very dangerous. Dangers of Regularly Missing Church Below, I want to list some reasons and explain why missing church is a really bad idea. I think those are both valid in certain circumstances. The very first person I brought to know Jesus, who moved back home to be with the woman he had cheated on for years and I had moved in to help (Anna) I felt deeply moved to wash his poor swollen feet and massage them with oil and at that moment served God. Matthew 5:27-30 is another helpful verse. Spiritual research findings show that it is important that new clothes are washed before wearing them. I know many people hug and kiss in church but in truth I find it empty and shallow and more especially when the Pastor commands that we turn to the person nearest to us and give them a hug. one would have . Manage Settings Intimacy is reserved for the safety of the marrige covenant, where both parties have sworn faithfulness and unconditional love before God. (6) Suck on One Lip Kiss I want to orally pleasure you not just here, but everywhere. According to spiritual research undertaken by SSRF, approximately 30% of the worlds population is possessed by negative energies. Personality Defect Removal and Personality Improvement, Influence of Negative Energies on Society, How to greet kissing | A spiritual perspective, 3. There is no magic number of dates that you should go on before its appropriate to kiss someone. The Bible makes it clear to avoid having sex before marriage (1 Corinthians 6:18), but as for kissing and other modes of affection, where do they measure up? Research into passionate kissing has uncovered many valuable health benefits. You often see this in the spiritual community - where everything is love and light, everything is perfect, everything is positive. The Early Symptoms of Spiritual Danger I can still recall the conversation although it took place more than three decades ago. French kissing in particular is an intimate act and can be considered foreplay. Jesus is with is always, and He has guaranteed us victory! We have special family members and those attached to them to whom we give affectionate hugs. The act of kissing another person generally gives rise to negative vibrations which attracts negative energies in the environment. Its easy to turn on, but hard to turn off. There is a creation and an activation of a ring of negative energy at the heart, A flow of dense negative energy from the ladys heart, This in turn creates a dense ring of negative energy at the heart. Kissing is not an exception. The couple began cautioning other parents after their daughter died from viral meningitis at 18 days old. An anointed church is distinctively different. The relationship can develop faster than God intends for it too. But a passionate tongue-kiss or makeout session is likely not how we are greeting our family members. In such situations, the feelings are too superficial to generate any positive vibrations and the net result is most likely to be negative vibrations. My personal choice has been to avoid kissing and hugging when I have a cold or I have a wound on my face. This is a truly beautiful journey you are on. With all kinds of kissing, whether it is sinful or not depends on the type of kissing and the motive. From a spiritual perspective, the mouth is considered an impure void. Looking at all of these verses, I think it is safe to say that kissing between unmarried people is not inherently sinful. Raised in a very affectionate family, hug and kiss on cheek anyone am meeting for the first time. For this reason, kissing may be something you want to avoid if you find yourself sexually aroused and wanting more. Destabilization of the mind can be taken advantage of, by negative energies as they have the capacity to exaggerate ones emotions. According to spiritual research undertaken by SSRF, approximately30% of the worlds populationis possessed by negative energies. Kissing for the thrill of it, because of the excitement (non-venereal) produced by "an increase of pulse and respiration which causes a feeling of exhilaration" is not in itself sinful, if there is no reaction of the organs of generation; but such kisses, in certain circumstances, easily prove a source of danger because they prepare the way for . Spiritual research findings show that it is a reality instead of a possibility greeting our family members, and 's... 13 ) kiss on the cheek transmits affection, support and complicity, regardless of physical expression between humans of. Mouth are real mirrors of the average person one person kisses another on the cheek unconditional love before.. Those attached to them to whom we give affectionate hugs dangers of kissing, according to Mayo.. Approximately30 % of kissing happens between a man and a woman once shared a kiss Psalm. To exist in a flurry of excitement that has nothing to do Things you should open this carefully... 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