You can have your life back. The condition occurs naturally, and there's not much that can stop it once it is already present. Thank you. She explains that thanks to cortisol, your alertness and focus tend to peak 30-45 minutes after you wake up. Details Please complete the process by verifying your email address. Emotional. Princess Glitterhead, whose real name is Alicia, first began to lose her teeth to decay during her pregnancy. When she received her implants, she regained her confidence in herself. Bloated. But Austin said one way to manage it is by increasing dental visits. Please help!!! She was only 34 at the time. 50,428 talking about this. Not only did the treatment she received from Dr Todd Shatkin help her dental health, she says it did a lot for her mental health, too. Recovering drug addict, 22, reveals she lost ALL her teeth to 'meth mouth' after struggling with substance abuse for six years - as she details brutal realities of what life is like as an addict. In order to get the U.K. onboard [] Princess Glitterhead is an American TikToker, who also happens to have a presence on YouTube. "My insurance wouldn't cover any of it. I was terrified of the dentist, and I know I delayed treatment at times. Distractify is a registered trademark. A procedure like the one the Toothless Princess received can change lives and help people become confident in themselves again. The American woman started losing her teeth when she was. Todd E. Shatkin, DDS, FADI, FICD, FICOI, DIAMDI. We need a Prince Glitterhead. is a registered trade mark of Reach Magazines Worldwide Limited and is used under licence by Reach Magazines Publishing Plc. Princess Glitterhead is a patient of Dr Todd Shatkin. Princess Glitterhead Ending Stigmas Alicia, a TikTok user has gone viral after a series of videos about the dental treatment that she says changed her life. We're going to show how hot we look, how beautiful we look, with or without.. Now, the 36-year-old proudly shows them off to her 1.4 million followers, defying trolls who mock her appearance and criticise her transformations. app that shows you who looks at your instagram, how to see posts you've liked on instagram update, how do you unfollow everyone on instagram, why do some instagram posts not show likes. A mum-of-four who has become a social media sensation as a "proud catfish" admits she once feared her husband would dump her when her teeth fell out. Yes indeed, we too use "cookies." As always you can unsubscribe at any time. But she's been making waves on the short-form social media site, amassing over 1.6 million followers thanks to her epic transformation videos. If you're ready to smile like Alicia, please don't hesitate to . Please click here to register for free. Love her. So for anyone that would like to join me, let's start a trend. You have a lot of hormones. I got Botox to fix my gummy smile now I look like a serial killer, My daughter is obsessed with Eleanor Roosevelt she even dresses like her, My boyfriend cheated on me with my stepmom heres how I busted them, TikToker reveals the worrying reason your kids are addicted to CoComelon. Over time, after going through different dental treatments and working on her mental health, she learned to love herself with or without her dentures and is now encouraging others to do the same. I would never be respected. Alicia, who goes by the online moniker Princess Glitterhead, has . Imma REAL#buildabitch #buildagirl #toothlessprincess #snapindentures #teethbeforeandafter #withorwithout #TWDSurvivalChallenge #omggg #catfishasf, "During my pregnancy, my teeth rapidly began to decay from the inside out. Give us a call today to set up a free consultation with Dr Todd Shatkin right away. She has over 121k followers on her Instagram account @princxssglitterhead and has over 2.2M Followers on her TikTok account @princxssglitterhead. Her worst nightmare came true after her eye teeth broke off at the gum line a week or so apart from each other. Now she hands out her makeover tips on TikTok. Princess Glitterhead, seen on the app as @princxssglitterhead, has called herself the Toothless Princess. All done in #oneday#dentalimplantsurgery#snapindentures#dentaldiaries#miniimplants#dentalimplants#fy what's up guys welcome back to my,channel if you're new here welcome my,name is rainey,so the other day was on tick tock,scrolling through videos looking for,something interesting and i came across,this,and my first reaction was uh there is no,way this is the same person i mean,how could this be the same person,of course i watched a lot of videos of,people putting on makeup and uh,looking way too different,and i was like uh i know it happens i,know the power,there is a lot of power in makeup but i,did not expect this i'm sure we can all,agree that this is a dramatic change,this is a dramatic change what,how,so many times you'll find men saying,they prefer their women,natural like they prefer women who do,not put on makeup even though they'll,end up cheating on you with people who,put on makeup but anyway and some will,even go as far as saying that they'll,take uh girls for swimming on their,first pitch just so that they can see,their natural face they get really mad,when they realize that,girls don't really look exactly the same,as they look with makeup on,so i was really surprised so i wanted to,know why,what happened you know,i wanted to know the back story i wanted,to know,the context i wanted to know what,happened i am a very curious person,i don't stop at,something until i get to the back story,i want to know details i want to know,everything what happened so i became so,interested in her story,and,well i,did my research now,you won't imagine what led her to losing,all her teeth,can you guess,no not an accident,not drugs,she lost all her teeth,from pregnancy,i don't know why every other time the,universe keeps on giving me reasons as,to why i am not yet ready for a kid and,now we are adding this one on to the,list,i mean,i could possibly lose,my teeth,for a mini version of me,respect to all the moms out there you,guys are dedicated alicia who goes by,princess glitter head on social media,recently shared a tic-tock video of,herself encouraging people with dentures,to show what they look like with them in,and out of their mouths,alicia kicked off the challenge by,popping out her snap in dentures and,then smelling for the camera the video,has been viewed more than 14.8 million,times and thousands of people have taken,to comments to both praise her and ask,her questions,in a follow-up video alicia opened up,about how she ended up getting their,chest at the age of 34 saying it was her,pregnancies that caused her teeth to,decay,i can go from this,to this hi i'm alicia i'm 36 years old,and i got these snap in dentures when i,was 34. i honestly didn't know that you,could have issues with your teeth during,pregnancy so i decided to look it up so,you guys have you ever lost your teeth,during pregnancy,or do you know somebody who has lost,their teeth during pregnancy is it,preventable let me know in the comment,section below i already know of the,common symptoms,one thing about pregnancy is if you're,going to have kids you have to take,everything that comes with it,and,it's quite scary i mean i watch a lot of,youtube videos and,weird youtube videos and,you guys i have seen childbirth have you,have you seen childbirth,it's not what you see in the movies i,can assure you it is not what you see in,the movies,it's a whole different thing,it is,it's scary it's terrifying,you guys it's scary,i had no cavities my whole childhood,until i was 18 or 19. nothing,i had sealing cups put on my natural,teeth to protect them because they had,never had a cavity she recalled,she and her husband got married when,they were 20 and had their first baby a,year later that's when her dental,troubles started,my eye teeth broke off during that,pregnancy and it was the first time that,i started to have really bad dental,problems she said,you couldn't see it on the outside you,could see it when the tooth would fall,out and you would look inside it and,there was nothing left in there like the,baby just took everything out of me,alicia said she had her second daughter,when she was 24 and after that pregnancy,she spent over ten thousand dollars on a,full restoration to save her top teeth,i went to the dentist every single week,for rahulia and got two three-piece,cemented bridges all my upper root,canaled and crowned with another metal,partial after nine years one of those,bridges obsessed she added,the whole thing had to come out and i,was ready for dentures,in another clip she detailed how she got,her mini implants and snapped in latches,in just one day saying that was part of,the appeal,i went in there with 13 natural teeth,they pulled them on give me ten mini,implants six on top four on the bottom,immediate same day snap in dentures,it took two and a half hours she,explained adding that she was awake the,entire time wow and she noted that it,was actually the shots that had the,worst,when it comes to pain,i have a very low tolerance for being,not i am so scared of,injections like when i was young every,time i got sick i never said that i was, After seeing the fourth section, I believe you have a general understanding of princess glitterhead tiktok, Continue the next fifth section about princess glitterhead tiktok, you see the dripping i'm fitting,hello welcome back to the channel but if,you're new welcome my name is john,mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer,a proud mother obviously i got the milky,tip just kidding,of a pup and a chihuahua i passed these,nerd gone grown-up cosplayer and this is,my channel my thoughts will probably,offend you where i share my thoughts,that will probably offend,at least one person because whenever you,share your opinion online someone takes,it personally and has to tell you that,they're offended and they probably,didn't even get to the end of the video,to get to my actual thoughts but they,still have to tell me so if there's,anything offending you right now let me,know in the comment section this is the,place to do it we love hearing you,complain so we can make fun of you and,while you're down there irritated,writing your paragraph you might as well,hit the subscribe button because i post,one to three times a week so please,become part of the cult and get offended,with me by me,buy the content on a regular basis tick,tock you guys know how much i absolutely,love it i don't and understand it,okay guys this challenge the sexiest,teeth brushing video,i don't i totally get the seven seconds,of dancing,for the 12 swat busting all the,bells out,the pointing at two words instead of,talking and my absolute favorite from,someone who loves to sing and loves,acting is the lip syncing i would help,you out of that little dress of yours,yes and i'll be pleased to discover that,you were naked,underneath then i would bend you over,it's a great watch i love them all i,learn a lot i watch every single video,on tick tock every single one scare for,a second i thought we were digging my,grave,okay wait this one's kind of good with a,little pencil arm,we did what you don't like being afraid,well i was on the app the other day and,i came across,this boo,i was like whoa what that cannot be the,same person fact,no way and many others in the comment,section were like nope whoever posted,this was trying to get a lot of,attention because it's such a dramatic,change,no way it is it's the same exact person,you guys know when a girl like takes her,wig off or like washes off her makeup,on camera and in the comment section,it's a bunch of men saying oh the,sorcery,how dare she deceive us like this i'm,taking her swimming on the first date to,make sure she's a natural,beauty i only like natural supple woman,even though i wank off to completely not,natural women when i'm by myself in my,mom's basement you know they get really,dramatic when they find out a woman,doesn't look exactly the same as they do,with makeup but this one when i saw it,it's,pretty it's a dramatic change i think we,can agree that it's,it's drastic can we agree on on that,that it's pretty like shocking so her,name on tick tock is princess,glitter head and as i scroll through her,feet i was bombarded by a lot of teeth,popping,a lot of her also poppin,i think that's her signature like dance,move and signature song,holding her teeth and of course a,close-up of her gum,so just a lot of mouth stuff,uh not in a way,in a whatever this way it is,it took me by surprise i was like what,what is going on on tick tock with the,mouth and the dentures and the,gums,what happened i need princess glitter's,backstory,i need her art i am now completely,invested in princess glitter head and,this never happens when it comes to tick,tock so i had to make a video on what is,up with the no teeth,the dancing the popping of the teeth out,so i had to look into it,what if i told you that she got this way,missing all of her teeth,from i kind of wanted you guys to guess,just guess,right now one two three you said drugs,no you're wrong that's exactly what i,guess too,meth mouth wrong no it's from pregnancy,i already told you guys i'm not really,interested in pooping out a mini child,from my uterus and ripping my vagina and,possibly my,butthole for you know love and i have an,array of reasons as to why i'm just not,very,interested in well now we can add this,one onto that list i can possibly,lose my freaking teeth for a mini,version of me,i don't think so i'm just kidding i'm,sure it's like worth it for,people who want children but in my case,it is not worth,it holy you guys are dedicated,princess glitter head whose real name is,alicia 36 year old mother whose,pregnancy caused her teeth to decay,she decided to use tick-tock to educate,entertain and normalize snap,in dentures hi i'm alicia i'm 36 years,old and i got these snap and dentures,when i was 34.,i am the girl with a snap in dentures,and i am here to show you today what we,look like,with and without so for anyone that,would like to join me let's start a,trend,we're going to show how hot we look how,beautiful we look with,or without and i told myself when i went,through this,there was not going to be a single,person that could say a damn thing to me,that would make me feel bad about it,alicia is,very open when it comes to her denture, After seeing the fifth section, I believe you have a general understanding of princess glitterhead tiktok, Continue the next sixth section about princess glitterhead tiktok, so there was a video that went really,viral on tick tock with a,woman called princess glitterhead it,went viral for a number of reasons,don't forget to subscribe and like to my,channel i've got to always ask you that,but without further ado let's have a,quick look at the video,don't believe me just watch,like,arguably this is a huge transformation,now a lot of people may say it's the,hair a lot of people may say it's the,skin or the makeup a lot of people may,say it's the eyelashes but i think,without a doubt we can all agree it's,actually the teeth she doesn't have any,teeth and putting the teeth in takes,about 20 years off her face but why is,that well let's go a little bit through,the aging process that happens if you,don't have teeth now the lower part of,your face is called the lower third of,the face okay and it describes where the,base of the nose is down to the chin now,what happens is that when we lose teeth,the bone dissolves so the teeth are,anchored into bone so you've got your,top jaw and your bottom jaw so if teeth,are removed for whatever reason so if,it's like a dental infection or gum,disease or you know the teeth just can't,be saved what would happen is is that,when the tooth is removed the bone will,physically shrink when the bone shrinks,this part of the face then will get,smaller and smaller and smaller if bone,is gone then what happens is is that the,support is lost right because this part,of our face if we've got lots of them,we've got lots of support that support,our upper lip supports you know the skin,around the mouth etc but also bone loss,is an ongoing process when a tooth is,removed and it actually affects the,bottom jaw more than the top jaw by,about four times so it really has a,massive aging effect what has also been,found to happen is is that the lips kind,of protrude outwards because they're,trying to compensate for the lack on,teeth what also happens is the height ie,the lower part of the face gets smaller,and smaller so,there's a massive impact that just makes,somebody look a lot older so princess,glitterhead she had implant ventures so,she literally had a screw placed in the,jaw which is known as an implant and,then on top of that she has dentures the,dentures are like two plates that,replace the teeth that are missing it,does a number of things so number one it,increases the lower anterior face height,so the lower part of the face gets,slightly bigger so it gives more support,the other thing it provides support to,the lips and the soft tissues so she,just looks a lot younger because of that,support and also on top of that when her,lips are resting she actually shows,teeth so if we have teeth that become,really small due to grinding for example,or even just completely losing them and,we don't show any teeth it's really,aging whereas if we're speaking or if we,smile and we have a sufficient amount of,tooth showing that can be more often,associated with youth in a more youthful,smile on a side note also if you have,lost teeth the muscles aren't as well,used around the mouth because they're,not chewing they're not doing the things,they're meant to be doing so the muscle,tone tends to go down as well so the,muscle tone goes down again it can be,extremely aging people can also develop,something called angular colitis where,you've got the folds on the side of your,mouth and then you've got increased,saliva flow and these folds get deeper,without teeth as well that can really,age things and also can cause an oral,infections and affect the inside of your,mouth as well you're more prone to,getting fungal infections and so forth,because you've got the lack of,stimulation of saliva as well that's,going on in the mouth it has also been,shown that if you have poor fitting,dentures or lacking in teeth or don't,have implants or so forth,you're less likely to eat things like,fruit and vegetables which are hard and,crunchy which will actually also have an,impact on your whole general health,because fruit and vegetables are,associated with being anti-aging they're,good for your skin your hair your nails,and so forth so if you're not getting,that nutrient intake it can also have an,effect on the aging but anyways back to,princess glitter head we can see quite,clearly that really it's because of the,lack of support on the lower part of her,face that completely reduces that face,height it also affects the soft tissues,by making a sag and it causes the lips,to turn downwards rather than upwards so,good on her for showing the impact that,teeth can have on her entire face and i,think it's so much more important than,actually just the hair and the makeup,and so forth that has some effects but,if you don't have the teeth without all,that stuff then i think we can all agree,we wouldn't have this huge,transformation i hope that you've,enjoyed that little sniffer information,and don't forget to subscribe and like,to my channel and we can do some more of,these breakdowns and give you the,science behi, After seeing the sixth section, I believe you have a general understanding of princess glitterhead tiktok, Continue the next seventh section about princess glitterhead tiktok, is it not shocking to see how she looks,the before and after i just can't get,over it i saw it i couldn't,stop looking i had to watch over and,over i said is that real,i don't know if it's real,greg and talk about transformations this,is the transformation,to end all transformations and she can,do it in a minute,i came across this story from michelle,mcdaniel she has a youtube channel,called,my thoughts will probably offend you so,she posted a video from a woman she has,a channel called,princess glitter head dental she was,also on,tick-tock and guess what they blocked,her bed or took her away,200 000 followers it said me,and why the reports i got said that i,violated,integrity and authenticity meaning that,i'm spreading misleading information,which i know i didn't do,because they said she wasn't being,authentic and that she didn't have,integrity that she was lying that her,transformation was so,amazing so shocking it just couldn't be,real,but oh it's real and she had the courage,to show people,what she really looks like so you're,thinking,you go out you see a girl she looks,amazing as hair extensions sure,makeup on yeah but what could they,actually have,i saw this woman and i thought probably,meth addict,probably addicted to drugs lost all her,teeth oh my goodness,probably 60 years old saw the,transformation,was shocked and what did tick tock do,they blocked her took away her following,so she fought and said no it's it's,really me i did this,what did tick tock then do so they,responded to my problem tickets and said,after reviewing your account it'll be,banned for,adult sexual nudity and behavior,and it's a crack of oh we changed,our mind we're gonna block you for,nudie sexual content i've seen tick tock,half the dances the things they're doing,they're worse than this she doesn't even,have an oldie fans,she's just showing people pictures,saying this is the real me,this is how i really look be proud of,yourself just because you have no teeth,doesn't mean you're bad person doesn't,mean you shouldn't have self-esteem,and so yeah she usually wears her teeth,and she has her hair done,but that doesn't mean that she's not,confident on the inside,she's confident enough to show what she,actually looks like without all the hair,and makeup,and dental implants so,let's watch this video and see just how,shocking is this transformation,and you're thinking yeah you know she,took out her bottom teeth but,it doesn't look so bad and sooner or,later,the eyelashes come off you're like,okay not quite as amazing but could it,get any more shocking,and as you can see without the teeth and,she's quite lean her face,looks very drawn in and the eyelashes,come off and she's rubbing off the,eyelashes,and she's rubbing off the lips the,lipstick,now she's starting to look older and,voila,voila there goes both of the teeth and,the smile with the tongue out,and in my opinion it's the most shocking,transformation i've ever seen in my life,showing,the before versus the after,where you can see the blemishes on the,skin and that can be all covered,up by makeup you add in the teeth add in,the lips lipstick add in some,eyelashes and eyebrows hair extension,and she has an amazing physique and so,she goes out without all the hair,extensions makeup,and teeth you're thinking oh probably a,meth addict,i literally was thinking yeah i bet,she's on them drugs,i judge her and that's me i was thinking,yeah,probably does drugs come to find out,it's because she lost her teeth during,pregnancy as a medical condition she was,on the doctor's,on the tv show the doctors because she,has a medical condition that caused her,to lose her teeth,hi tick tock it's princess glitter head,i just got a response to my appeal and,they said,no you're gonna be permanently banned,it's gonna stay that way and she's,crying in a video on youtube,and she's like hi tick-tock you know you,took away my followers imagine,how much it means to her she could make,a living from this,this could be a career and now they've,changed what they said,the reports i got said that i violated,integrity and authenticity,meaning that i'm spreading misleading,information which i know i didn't do,i never even knew you could get blocked,on anything for spreading misinformation,i call out all the all the time,never seen anyone get blocked,for spreading lies so she was blocked,for spreading misinformation when it,wasn't,even misinformation imagine how,devastating this,is for her not fair not fair,tick-tock come on erase my job i just,made it into the marketplace,all my creator fun money i don't know if,i have access to that does anybody know,and can someone help me because i am,owed money,i mean think about it they owe her money,and they just block the channel,how is this even remotely fair what i,did here made purpose,in my life and i'm just so grateful that,tick tock's not the whole world,so i highly encourage you to go follow,her instagram channel her youtube,channel,give her the chance she needed she's,s, Congratulation!