Part TheSlave Schedulesexist for 1850 & 1860. Stewart County 1830 Population Schedule of the United States Census of for Rhea County, Tennessee, Federal Population Census of the U.S. 1790-1940, Population schedule of the United States census, Rhea County, Tennessee, Rhea County : 1850, 1870, and 1880 agricultural production census, Rhea County, Tennessee, census, marriage, and tax records, 1850 through 1900, Federal Census of 1940, Dayton, Tennessee. Dayton is the county seat and largest city. One member of the Rhea County Historical Society wants to correct that preception. Arkansas, Louisiana, This website uses cookies and third party services. This page was last edited on 16 December 2022, at 10:15. Rhea County, Tennessee, census, marriage, and tax records, 1850 through 1900 Family History Library U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 Ancestry U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 MyHeritage United States Federal Census, 1790-1950 Family Search Would you like some one-on-one assistance in your genealogy research? Wayne County Note that this is Collaborating to connect family with history , The functionality and structure of this website are Copyright 2008 - 2023 Ray Gurganus, All Rights Reserved, Comments and Feedback related to the information on this page. Mother Mary Allie Gibbs. Secure packaging for safe delivery. This information should be taken as a guide and should be verified by contacting the county and/or the state government agency. The Rhea County Courthouse is located in Dayton, Tennessee. Greene County Johnson County In 1969, TSLA microfilmed original Rhea County Deed Books A to M (1808-1879). The dates indicated below could be the first widely known documents for this county. Created by local experts familiar with the area's families, these indexes are often transcribed more accurately than nationwide online indexes. Court divorce orders may be obtained from theclerk of the courtthat granted the divorce. Trails to you on your quest for your ancestors. Subjects : Rhea County in General. Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. Men in Rhea County served in various regiments. Perform a free Rhea County, TN public genealogy records search, including genealogy ancestry histories, family search histories, and family trees. Find Rhea County, Tennessee divorce certificate information, including confidentiality, fees, and certified copy request procedure. Jacob Foster Ellis, born and raised in Dayton, is known to some people as Jacob Ellis Miles. Death . Revolutionary & Military Pensioners, 1840, Embry, Hermione D. "War of 1812 - Tennessee Pensioners on List - January 2, 1883,". Rhea County Marriage Certificates & Records, Where to get free Genealogy Records online, How to perform Rhea County genealogy research, Which government offices provide access to vital records, What Rhea County genealogy records are public records, What are the best sources of Genealogy Records. Montgomery County Marion County Hardin County Bradley county tn 911 calls moon trine moon synastry marriage floor live load calculator. Warren County Please refer to the information to theStatewide Vital Records in Tennesseefor current fees and application process. Many of the present counties were not in existence at the time of the surveys and some of the residences mentioned could well be within one of the modern counties of: Cumberland, Morgan, Scott and Fentress. Carroll County 2 1917-1924] (Goins and Hobbs Genealogy Service, 1988-) [surname index]* . Grainger County This county was named in honor of U.S. Representative John Rhea (17531832). Listed below are archives in Rhea County. Rhea Springs, Website if(form.gsln.value) { Research genealogy for Lonnie Sylvester BURDETTE of Rhea County, Tennessee, USA, as well as other members of the BURDETTE family, on Ancestry. Additional Information We regret that we are unable to Rhea County Death Certificates & Records Smith County Rhea County Vital Records Research in Tennessee can be an exciting and rewarding experience. transcribing genealogical and historical data and Find Rhea County, Tennessee death records, and learn about the fees and process for requesting copies of certified death certificates. Copies of this book may be purchased by contacting the the Holston Genealogical Society, P.O. Marriage license records are available from the county clerk who issued the marriage license. The County Seat of government is located inDaytonalso, the county government website Roane County (northeast) Enter your email address to subscribe to this website and receive notifications of new posts by email. Sumner County Gibson County persons investigations. Lauderdale County The following are the most historically and genealogically relevant populated places in this county:[7]. Houston County 143. Box 31Dayton, TN 37321Email: rchgsarchives@gmail.comFacebook, Wikipedia contributors, "Rhea, Tennessee" in, Wikipedia contributors, "Rhea County, Tennessee," in, Last edited on 16 December 2022, at 10:15, List of counties in the United States with Record Loss, "Rotating Formation Tennessee County Boundary Maps", Tennessee Population Schedule Indexes: Fiche, Film, or Book, Tennessee, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1810-1891, A Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services: With their Names, Ages, and Places of Residence, as Returned by the Marshalls of the Several Judicial Districts, Under the Act for Taking the Sixth Census, FS Library US/CAN Book 973 X2pc 1840; FS Library US/CAN Film 2321, Tennessee Enumeration of Male Voters 1891, FS Library FAM HIST Book 929.273R22b 1978, Tennessee, Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865, Tennessee, Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865, U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865, U.S., Union Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865, U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865, Tennessee, Confederate Pension Applications, Soldiers and Widows, 1891-1965, 1st Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry (Carter's), 16th Battalion, Tennessee Cavalry (Neal's), 26th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry (3rd East Tennessee Volunteers), 43rd Regiment, Tennessee Infantry (Gillespie's) (5th East Tennessee Volunteers). The following dates indicates what vital, land, probate, and court records are inRheacounty or in the Tennessee State Library & Archives. Former Community All Rights Reserved. A 24-year-old Dayton man remains in critical condition at a Chattanooga hospital after a stabbing that happened Saturday morning around 2:30 at Kenny's Sports Bar on Railroad Street. Rhea County Historical & Genealogical Society, 4211 Wolf Creek Road, Po Box 31 , Dayton, Tennessee 37321-0031 Audrey Pack Memorial Library, 169 W. Rhea Ave., PO Box 382, Spring City, TN 37381 423-365-9757 Bryan College, Library, 585 Bryan Drive, PO Box 7000, Dayton, TN 37321 423-775-7196 Revolutionary War Descendants of Thomas Richard Godbehere Generation No. A portion of the Trail of Tears ran through the county as part of the United States government's removal of the Cherokee in the 1830s. The Department Offices DO NOT DO RESEARCH. Decatur County A majority of these genealogy links fall into 3 categories: Business oriented Sites, Personal Sites or Organization Sites. The unit is linked to people who have been identified as part of that company in that unit. function getQuery(form) { Research genealogy for Annie B Patterson of Tennessee, as well as other members of the Patterson family, on Ancestry. Note: Affiliate links are used within the directory on this site and a small contribution goes to the website for some purchases made. For state-wide archival repositories, see Tennessee Archives and Libraries. Our goal is to find, collect, preserve and display materials that show the. Genealogy Trails Roane County Bordering counties are Cumberland County (north), Roane County (northeast), Meigs County (east), Hamilton County (south) and Bledsoe County (west). TNGenWeb & all content contributors. (Rhea Co), and died September 25, 1891 in Wolf Creek Tn. With records available for more than 200 years of the state's history, your family is sure to be found in a variety of records available online and at the many archives and libraries located throughout the state. Tennessee County Listings This is merely a collection which has been collected or submitted. Rhea County, Tennessee Genealogy (Source: Genealogy, Inc.) Land Records Rhea County Deeds (Source: USGenWeb Tennessee Archives) Rhea County Deeds and Indexes (Source: FamilySearch) Libraries, Museums, Archives Bibliography of Tennessee Local History Sources: Rhea County (Source: Tennessee State Library and Archives) Happy undertake extensive or detailed research for individuals beyond limited index lookups, etc. Feel free to suggest your own most popularRhea Countygenealogy or family history affiliated sites. Notes for NANCY PASCHAL WATIE: Nancy is not buried next to her husband but, there is an epitath for her.It is . Us form.links.value = 1; Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. Nov 21, 2022, . Rhea County, Tennessee, census, marriage, and tax records, 1850 through 1900 Family History Library Rhea County, Tennessee, marriage records of colored persons, 1866-1879 Family History Library Rhea County, Tennessee, vital statistics, 1914 through 1925 WorldCat Rhea County, Tennessee, vital statistics, 1926 through 1930 WorldCat Henry County Rhea County, Tennessee Courthouse Records. The Rhea County Genealogy Search (Tennessee) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Rhea County public records. Children of ANN RIGGINS and GEORGE HUGHES are: Claiborne County var query = "";
All data we come across will be added to this site. Contributions are welcome sodo consider submitting your family information, the surnames you are researching and other information you have about Rhea County. 1830 Population Schedule of the United States Census of for Rhea County, Tennessee Ancestry, 1850 Rhea County, Tn. Obit line, 615-641-2663. www. Most staff will assist people in finding the materials, but it is up to the individual to do the research. to get email notices when our The Rhea family arrived in the area by 1778. Franklin County McNairy County Rhea Co.Union Veterans Schedulesis available for 1890. bondmemorial com. Contents 1 County Information 1.1 Description 1.2 County Courthouse 1.3 Rhea County, Tennessee Record Dates 1.4 Record Loss 1.5 Boundary Changes 1.6 Populated Places 1.7 History Timeline Publisher: Rhea County Historical and Genealogical Society Date: 1992 Format: Hardcover Condition: Very Good Condition Description: First edition. Bordering counties areCumberland County,Roane County,Meigs County,Hamilton CountyandBledsoe County. (Rhea Co).He married MARY(POLLY)ANN HOLLAND December 03, 1846 in Wolf Creek Tn., daughter of JOHN HOLLAND and MARTHA MORGAN. Men often joined a company (part of a large regiment) that originated in their county. NOTE: Additional records that apply to Rhea County are also on the Tennessee Census Records page. again to view the updates we make to this site The counties covered in the original were: Anderson, Bledsoe, Campbell, Knox, Overton, Rhea and Roane. document.write(cy); Trousdale County . 9 were here. FaceBook Skip Ancestry navigation Main Menu. Death 01 Aug 2003 - Rhea Co, TN. I do not endorse or promote one genealogy site over another. died in Dayton, Rhea Co, TN, about age 65. Genealogy and Projects can range from searching records & obtaining photocopies or digital scans of documents to more If you need immediate assistance you may call the reference desk at (615) 741-2764 or visit us in person. It was named for Anthony Bledsoe, a Revolutionary War patriot who migrated to Tennessee from Virginia in the late 1700s. One can find free online andprintable census formsto help you with your research. Unicoi County You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Hardeman County Please enter your email address or username below. Children of LON GODBEHERE and MARY(POLLY)ANN HOLLAND are:if(form.gsfn.value) Genealogy and History Information found on is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. do personal research for anyone Named for U.S. Representative John Rhea (1753-1832). The first federal census available for Tennessee is 1810. Here you'll find record collections, history, and genealogy resources to help you trace your Rhea County ancestors. Carter County A 44-year-old Dayton Mountain man is in custody in the Rhea County Jail after an altercation that resulted in the death of his neighbor. google_ad_slot = "7507084472"; Sullivan County One of two distinct Henry familes of Rhea Co. Tn were three sons of Samuel, Sr. and Rachel of Washington/Carter Co. TN.Their brother Hugh settled Sevier Co, James and Samuel, Jr. in Blount Co. TN.Listed below are the three who settled in Rhea about 1805 along with known descendants.I would love to correspond with family . County Register of Deeds Phone: 423-775-7841, County Clerk has marriage records from 1808. Rhea County Historical & Genealogical Society, 4211 Wolf Creek Road, Po Box 31 , Dayton, Tennessee 37321-0031 Audrey Pack Memorial Library, 169 W. Rhea Ave., PO Box 382, Spring City, TN 37381 423-365-9757 Bryan College, Library, 585 Bryan Drive, PO Box 7000, Dayton, TN 37321 423-775-7196 Dickson County View Rhea County, Tennessee vital records information, including birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificate copy requests, related fees, and identification requirements. Benton County, Tennessee - Scholastic Reports 1843-1853 $ 8.00 Add to cart; eBook Early Days in Lewis County, Tennessee $ 4.00 Add to cart; eBook Montgomery County Tennessee County Court Minutes Volume 12 1822-1824 $ 8.00 Add to cart; eBook Henry County, Tennessee Taxes 1833-1836 $ 10.00 Add to cart google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1758473191854726"; FS Library copy: Minute Book C, FS Library US/CAN Film 1012164. Rhea County Genealogy Records are kept by a number of different government agencies and departments in Rhea County, Tennessee. Obion County Jacob Ellis, a 24 year old Dayton native and the Secretary of the Society, is looking to get more people and especially some of the younger generation involved in the HS. Welcome to the Rhea County Tennessee TNGenWeb site! TN Death Records Hire a Genealogist
if(form.s_place.selectedIndex > 0) You can read a summary narrative history of the county in The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture. Scott County Weakley County Benton County Rhea County is named for the Tennessee politician and Revolutionary War Revolutionary War veteran, John Rhea.A portion of the Trail of Tears ran through the county as part of the United States government's removal of the Cherokee in the 1830s. others, and basic webpage-making skills, consider The records in this volume are those of the committee that built the Pisgah or as sometimes called Mount Pisgah Camp Ground or Church in late 1860s. Moore County }
Williamson County, (Use Cropper to set image and use mouse scroller for zoom image. Perry County Rhea Co TN death records 1973-02-23 Ada N Rigsby age 82 [wife of R14. William] 1960-09-04 Bobby J Rigsby age 0 1949-01-21 Elizabeth Rigsby age 0 1961-11-14 Ida M Rigsby age 72 [wife of Nelson] 1965-07-17 John Rigsby age 77 1963-06-17 John A Rigsby age 82 [R14.] 1979-11-23 Laura M Rigsby age 86 [wife of Wedd] Rhea County, TN Henderson County Rhea County Historical & Genealogical Society | Dayton TN Rhea County, Tennessee County Court Minute Book April 1876 - August 1881. google_ad_width = 336; Rhea County Marriage Certificates & Records Marriage license records are available from thecounty clerkwho issued the marriage license. }, AllRevolutionary WarMilitaryGenealogyCivil WarNaturalizationWorld War IINewspapersPhotos, AllALAKAZARCACOCTDEFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWY, TN Birth Records Welcome to Rhea County, TN Genealogy and History Our goal is to help you track your ancestors through time by transcribing genealogical and historical data and placing it online for the free use of all researchers This Site is Available For Adoption! NANCY PASCHAL 6 WATIE (SUSANNAH CHARITY 5 REESE, CHARLES T. 4, DAVID 3, DAVID AP 2 REES, DAVID AP 1) was born 1808 in Hiwassee, Polk Co., TN, and died 17 Feb 1852.She married JOHN FOSTER WHEELER 23 Apr 1829.He was born 10 Jul 1808, and died 10 Mar 1880. Van Buren County query = query + " " + form.gsln.value; Founded in 1807, Rhea County is named for Tennessee politician and Revolutionary War veteran John Rhea. Death null - null. in 1869 and 1927. USA (1,373,456) > Tennessee (45,643) > Rhea County (376) > Rhea County Census Records (35), USA (1,373,456) > Tennessee (45,643) > Tennessee Census Records (2,841) > Rhea County Census Records (35). The county is located in the east-central area of the state. Find Rhea County, Tennessee death records, and learn about the fees and process for requesting copies of certified death certificates. Tennessee, Kentucky, Visit our Trails McMinn County You will also find history about the county itself. Clyde W. Roddy Library371 First Ave.Dayton, Tennessee 37321Phone: 423-775-8406Email: info@clyderoddy.orgFacebookWebsite. Other municipal and Tennessee State offices also maintain records that are useful for tracing lineage. The date does not indicate that there are alot records for that year and does not mean that all such events were actually filed with the clerk. Hickman County TN Marriage Records Death . 680 v. 2, Tennessee Births and Christenings 1828-1939, Tennessee Delayed Birth Records 1869-1909, Tennessee, Birth Records (ER Series), 1908-1912, Chattanooga Tennessee FamilySearch Center, Cleveland Bradley County Public Library History Branch, Rhea County, TN Genealogy and Family History, Genealogical "Fact Sheets" About Tennessee Counties: Rhea County, Lost Records: Courthouse Fires and Disasters in Tennessee,,_Tennessee, Early East Tennessee Tax Lists: a compiled list of residents of the area covered in 22 east Tennessee counties for which there is [sic] no census records prior to 1830, Germantown Regional History and Genealogy Center, Nashville Metropolitan Government Archives, University of Tennessee Knoxville Hodges Library, University of Tennessee at Martin Library, Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research,,_Tennessee_Genealogy&oldid=5163887. Routine basis known to some people as jacob Ellis Miles municipal and state. 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